Need to call the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR)? Try Wednesdays!
Wednesdays are typically the days with the lowest call volume throughout the year, followed by Thursdays.
Can’t call on Wednesday? DOR suggests calling early! Customers who call between 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday, also experience lower wait times.
Still need to contact DOR but don’t want to call? We have options for you including:
- Visiting DOR – visit any of the 12 district office locations throughout the state during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., local time, for face-to-face interactions.
- Emailing DOR – send an email. All questions are addressed within four business days. The form to send an email is available at in.gov/3392.htm.
- Social media – Customers are encouraged to search @INRevenue to find the latest news, updates and helpful customer tips through tax season, and all year long on various social media outlets.
DOR encourages customers to reach out and provide their feedback by using the recently launched portal available online at www.feedback.dor.in.gov. DOR appreciates any and all feedback customers provide allowing the opportunity for continuous improvement.