98.9 WYRZ Testimonials

“It absolutely matters to me.”

That’s the reply from attorney Matt Boulton when asked about the importance he places on identifying and using Brownsburg-based resources to highlight his firm’s brand.

Throughout his 25+ years of experience as an Indiana personal injury attorney, Matt has stayed up to date on a continually evolving landscape with regard to attorney advertising and the various methods law firms use to reach those who need the type of help he offers.

“Every firm is different. Some flood the audience with TV commercials and billboards. Others might spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on digital ads. Alternatively, we’re dedicated to seeking out high-quality, local partners in our community, such as the folks at WYRZ.”

Over the past year, WYRZ’s Shane Ray and Boulton Law Group have teamed up to create a number of radio messages tailored specifically to the residents of Brownsburg.

“It’s nice hearing people say they heard Boulton Law Group on the radio,” said Matt, “but it’s a bonus knowing the campaigns are targeted to a local audience while also supporting a fellow Brownsburg business.”

Additionally, Matt lauded his overall customer experience by saying, “WYRZ has been a great partner. Easy to work with, responsive, and an overall excellent return on our investment. I can’t recommend them enough.”

Based in Brownsburg, Boulton Law Group is one of Indiana’s top-rated personal injury law firms serving Hoosiers throughout the entire state.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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