Two Putnamville Troopers Promoted

On Monday, March 21, 2016, Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter announced the promotions of Putnamville Troopers Brandon G. Mullen and Michael J. Wood to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Mullen will serve as a Crime Scene Investigator and Sergeant Wood will serve as the Assistant Commander of the ISP Training Academy. Both Mullen and Wood received there promotions through written testing and a competitive interview process.

Sergeant Brandon G. Mullen
Sergeant Brandon G. Mullen

As a Crime Scene Investigator, a portion of Mullen’s duties will include, but not be limited to, responding and conducting crime scene investigations, preserving, collecting and documenting forensic evidence, providing crime scene testimony for trials, and assisting officers and agencies with matters concerning crime scene investigations. Sergeant Mullen’s office will be at the Putnamville Post where he will primarily be responsible for crime scene investigations within the Putnamville District, but may be utilized anywhere else in the state.

Sergeant Mullen is a 10-year veteran of the ISP having graduated from the 65th Recruit Academy in 2006. Mullen was first assigned to the former Terre Haute Post and patrolled Vigo County. After the merger with the Putnamville Post, he most recently patrolled Clay County. Mullen is a former member of the ISP Tactical Intervention Platoon, Field Training Officer, Vigo County Fatal Crash Team, and First Responder instructor. Mullen is the recipient of the ISP Silver Star Award, Meritorious Service Award, 2009 Trooper of the District, and five DUI enforcement awards.

Sergeant Mullen is a graduate of West Vigo High School and attended ISU majoring in Criminology. He is married with two children and the family resides in Vigo County. In his spare time, he coaches a youth softball travel team and is currently the tournament director of the Wabash Valley Girls Softball League.

Sergeant Michael J. Wood
Sergeant Michael J. Wood

Sergeant Michael J. Wood, in his new duties, will be the Assistant Academy Commander where he will implement and coordinate all training for ISP recruits and will assist with the department’s statewide Field Training Officer program.

Sergeant Wood is a 9-year veteran of the ISP have graduated from the 67th Recruit Academy in 2007. Upon graduation, Wood was assigned to the Putnamville District and patrolled mostly Putnam County. Wood was the recipient of the 2008 Trooper of the District and recognized for his outstanding DUI Enforcement efforts. He also served with the district meth suppression team and received certifications through the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Clandestine Laboratory investigations and clean-up, served as a field training officer, and as a member of the ISP Tactical Intervention Platoon. Most recently Wood served as a counselor for the ISP 75th Recruit Academy and member of the Interview Committee for recruit hiring.

Wood is a graduate of Owen Valley High School and Indiana State University with a B.S. in Exercise Science. In his spare time, he is a volunteer coach for his children’s sports teams. He is married with three children and the family resides in Owen County.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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