Thinking of Committing Tax Fraud? Be Warned, DOR is Ready!

INDIANAPOLIS – Stopping identity theft and tax fraud isn’t something the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) takes lightly. In fact, DOR is a national leader in this arena, stopping over $110 million in attempted identity theft and tax refund fraud since 2014. 

“Our experienced team of IT and fraud detection specialists improve Indiana’s defenses each year, resulting in fewer fraud attempts,” stated DOR Commissioner Bob Grennes. “Much like a good home security system, we have provided such a strong defense that criminals are realizing they should stop targeting Hoosiers as Indiana is no longer an easy mark.”

To ensure all customers’ IDs and refunds are safe, every tax return is analyzed using a sophisticated set of ID verification and fraud rules. These rules identify and stop attempted fraud before the tax return ever enters the tax processing system.  

A major part of DOR’s Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Program is the identity confirmation quiz. This important step guarantees all returns submitted were completed by the filer listed on the return, and the refund goes to the right destination.

Customers selected for the ID confirmation quiz are sent a letter asking them to complete the quiz online or by calling DOR’s Customer Service team. Starting in 2019, customers can also confirm their identities using a one-time passcode verification from their SMS enabled smartphones, making this process simple and quick.

Customers who receive an ID verification letter are not suspected of identity theft or having their identity stolen. The process is only used for certain returns to ensure their refund is sent to the correct location/individual. By completing the quiz as soon as the letter is received, there should be little to no delay in return processing.

For more information on the Identity Theft and Fraud Prevention Program, visit DOR’s website at or call the Customer Service team at 317-232-2240, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., EST. You may also visit any DOR’s 12 district office locations.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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