Robbery Suspects Crash in the 4400 Block of Rockville Road

user41796-1456185072-media3INDIANAPOLIS – Officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department responded to the area of Washington Street and Lynhurst Drive to assist a 13-year-old robbery victim Monday.  The robbery occurred just before 4:00 PM near the Taco Bell.  The suspects took the victim’s shoes and his backpack.  Witnesses assisted the investigation by providing a vehicle description and a partial license plate.

An officer in the area saw a car matching the description of the suspect’s car and as he attempted to confirm this via his police radio, the driver of the car sped up and headed east on Rockville Road.  The driver of the car was speeding and dangerously passing other cars when he left the roadway and struck a pole and a business sign in the 4400 block of Rockville Road.user41796-1456185075-media4

Officers found three men inside the wrecked car and they were all transported to Eskenazi Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.   The investigation into the robbery is on-going.  

The 13-year-old victim was not injured during the robbery.  

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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