INDIANAPOLIS – INDOT is planning to close the Illinois Street ramp from I-70 East to perform a full depth concrete patch, weather permitting.
During the closure, traffic can access the Meridian Street exit ramp.
The ramp closure is anticipated to happen on Friday, June 8 at 9 a.m. and reopen by Monday, June 11 at 7 a.m.
This is part of the I-70, I-465 ramp pavement repair project.
About the Ramp Pavement Repair Project
Calumet Civil Contractors plan to close various ramps at the I-70 and Holt Road (exit 77) and Meridian Street (exit 79B) interchanges and I-465 and State Road 67/Kentucky Avenue (exit 8) interchange for patching and resurfacing.
The project will begin on or after June 8 and will be finished by fall 2018.
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