(Left to Right) Jeffery Thompson (R-Lizton), Greg Steuerwald (R-Avon), Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis)

Hendricks County lawmakers encourage local communities to apply for road funding grants

STATEHOUSE (Oct. 14, 2020) – Hendricks County legislators encourage communities in Central Indiana to apply for the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program to help fund local road and bridge projects.

State Rep. Greg Steuerwald (R-Avon) co-authored a 2016 law creating the program to help more cities, towns and counties fund local infrastructure projects through preservation, road construction, intersection improvements, guardrail replacements and signage.

“Already, Hendricks County and our communities benefited from millions of dollars being invested in local infrastructure projects,” Steuerwald said. “We can continue to make sure our roads and bridges are safe and functioning, especially as our population grows in this area. But the deadline to apply for the next round of grant funding is quickly approaching, so now is the time to go online and start the application process.”

According to State Rep. Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis), who also supported the creation of this program, Hoosier communities are eligible for a state match up to $1 million annually and the Indiana Department of Transportation opens applications twice a year. Due to COVID-19, this year’s second round of calls for projects was postponed in July, but Gov. Eric Holcomb recently announced that the matching grant program will resume and the new application deadline is Oct. 23.

Behning: Hendricks County lawmakers encourage local communities to apply for road funding grants

“Our commitment to improving roadways at every level ensures no matter where you go in Indiana, you are traveling on safe, reliable roads,” Behning said. “This program does more than build and improve our transportation infrastructure. Providing grants to communities also fosters economic growth and creates jobs for local Hoosiers, all while maintaining our strong fiscal integrity.”

State Rep. Jeff Thompson (R-Lizton), who also supported the law establishing the program, said counties with fewer than 50,000 residents and cities and towns with less than 10,000 residents contribute 25% of the matching funds, with larger communities contributing 50%. To be eligible, all local units of government must have an approved Asset Management Plan and provide a funding match.

“These matching grants provide local communities the chance to address their infrastructure needs while also freeing up budget funds for other projects and services,” Thompson said. “This partnership between local and state governments helps ensure our roadways are safe for all motorists traveling throughout Indiana.”

Since the program’s inception, $739 million has been awarded to support Hoosier communities and infrastructure projects around the state. Local governments can apply for the program online at in.gov/indot/4013.htm, with forms due by 5 p.m. EST on Oct. 23.  

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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