Full Closure at the North Split to begin next month

MARION COUNTY, Ind. – The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) reminds motorists the 18-month closure of the North Split Interchange in downtown Indianapolis is only one month way. Major reconstruction is expected to close the interchange mid-to-late May 2021, weather permitting.

During the full closure, I-65 and I-70 between the North Split and Washington Street will be closed to all traffic while bridges and roadways are reconstructed. However, access in and out of downtown will remain via the I-70 westbound exit ramp to Michigan or Ohio streets and the Pine Street entrance ramp to I-70 eastbound. In addition, the I-65 southbound to I-70 eastbound and I-70 westbound to I-65 northbound connections will remain open to traffic during construction.

Currently, the Michigan Street exit is closed for reconstruction, while the Ohio and Fletcher Street exits remain open. As part of that reconstruction, Saint Clair Street will be closed weeknights beginning tonight for overhead beam setting. That closure will be in effect between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. weeknights through April 30. Temporary stoppages on the southbound collector/distributor at Saint Clair Street are expected for 20 minutes at a time while bridge beams are set. Drivers will be directed to use the approved detour routes along Michigan and 10th streets during the temporary closures.

The Michigan Street exit ramp is scheduled to reopen in early June 2021, at which time the Ohio Street exit will close for reconstruction. Project information can be found at northsplit.com.

To help drivers prepare for the upcoming closure of the North Split, below is an overview of the interstate impacts and how travel will be maintained throughout construction.  

I-70 westbound:

  • Will remain open at the Keystone interchange
  • Will remain open to I-65 northbound
  • Will remain open to either the Michigan or Ohio Street exits via collector/distributor
  • Will be accessible from Washington Street entrance ramp
  • Will be closed to I-70 westbound through traffic and to I-65 southbound

I-70 eastbound:

  • Will be accessible from Pine Street entrance ramp. (There will be detours as the Michigan Street, New York Street and Vermont Street bridges are reconstructed, but the Pine Street entrance ramp onto I-70 eastbound will remain open.)
  • From the airport, all exits remain open for eastbound traffic up to Washington Street
  • The West, Illinois and Meridian Street interchanges (south side) can access I-65 southbound and I-65 northbound to Washington Street
  • Will be closed to I-70 eastbound through traffic and to I-65 northbound

I-65 northbound:

  • Will be accessible from the North Illinois Street onramp
  • Will remain open through the South Split up to the Washington Street exit
  • Will be closed to I-65 northbound through traffic and to I-70 westbound

I-65 southbound:

  • Will remain open to I-70 eastbound (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
  • Will be accessible from the West Street entrance ramp to I-70 eastbound only (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
  • Will be accessible from the Delaware Street entrance ramp to I-70 eastbound only (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
  • Will be accessible from the Washington Street entrance ramp

Local streets crossing under the interstate will be closed for overhead construction work – durations vary.

For up-to-date project information, visit Northsplit.com or text “NORTHSPLIT” to 468311. Follow the North Split project’s progress on social media at:

Stay informed
Indiana motorists can monitor road closures, road conditions, and traffic alerts any time throughout the state, here: https://www.in.gov/indot/2420.htm.

For details on the lane restrictions and closures associated with the current work, please visit 511 Cars for more information.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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