Free Life-saving CPR and Stop the Bleed Training Classes Coming to Hendricks County Throughout 2023

Danville, IN- Beginning April 10th, the Hendricks County Health Department in conjunction with the Hendricks County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) will be hosting free CPR/AED and Stop the Bleed classes around the county during 2023.

Every year, almost 400,000 cardiac arrests occur in the United States outside of a hospital setting, and four out of five incidents occur in the home1. Likewise, uncontrolled bleeding remains as the top cause of preventable death from trauma and is responsible for 35% of all pre-hospital deaths2.

These classes will teach life-saving skills to the community that may help individuals prepare for an unexpected emergency. When done correctly, timely CPR after a cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival. The CPR courses will cover responding to infant-adult choking, CPR, and AED use. Participants will receive a certificate of completion, although it is not an American Heart Association certificate.

To register for CPR classes and see dates and locations of all future classes, visit  

Stop the Bleed courses will give participants the knowledge to know how to control life-threatening bleeding situations using direct pressure and tourniquets. After completing the course, each participant will receive a free kit containing a tourniquet and other items necessary to control bleeding. Please use the link here for dates and locations of Stop the Bleed classes:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Corder, Public Health Preparedness Coordinator at the Hendricks County Health Department, at: 317-745-9214 or

1: American Heart Association,

2: National Library of Medicine,


Course Schedule

April 10th CPR Danville Police Department 5PM-8PM

April 28th Stop the Bleed Brownsburg Eaton Hall 5PM-7PM

May 9th CPR Pittsboro Fire Department 10AM-1PM

May 25th Stop the Bleed Plainfield MADE Center 10AM-12PM

June 8th CPR Tri West High School 5PM-8PM

June 24th Stop the Bleed Brownsburg Eaton Hall 10AM-12PM

July 14th CPR Cascade Middle School 10AM-1PM

July 24th Stop the Bleed Danville Police Department 5PM-7PM

Aug 10th CPR Brownsburg Fire Territory HQ 5PM-8PM

Aug. 22nd Stop the Bleed Pittsboro Fire Department 5PM-7PM

Sept. 9th CPR Plainfield MADE Center 1PM-4PM

Sept. 20th Stop the Bleed Tri West High School 5PM-7PM

Oct. 9th CPR Brownsburg Fire Territory HQ 5PM-8PM

Oct. 27th Stop the Bleed Cascade Middle School 5PM-7PM

Nov. 9th CPR Danville Police Department 10AM-1PM

Nov 21st Stop the Bleed Brownsburg Fire Territory HQ 1PM-3PM

Dec. 6th CPR Pittsboro Fire Department 10AM-1PM

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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