Behning: School choice important to student success

Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis)

As we wrap up National School Choice Week, we continue celebrating the opportunities available to parents taking control of their child’s education. Parents understand their student’s strengths and challenges, and are in the best position to determine where their child will succeed academically. After visiting schools within our community and throughout the state, it is clear students excel when they are in a learning environment meeting their unique needs. 

Indiana continues to be a national leader in school choice. For nearly 10 years, Hoosier families have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility our school choice program provides. Students in Indiana have a wide variety of educational options, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, nonpublic schools, virtual schools and homeschool. 

How does school choice drive student success? With school choice, families can customize their child’s education and ensure they thrive in the right academic environment. From different teaching methods to varying course options, students at every level can learn at their own pace.

While parents can choose a school for its academic opportunities and additional support, some need one that is better equipped to handle a child’s specific health needs. Others, like virtual schools, offer a flexible learning environment that allows students to thrive inside and outside the classroom.

A strong education provides equal opportunities for every student to learn and succeed, and a child’s ZIP code or income should not limit their options. In Indiana, public school funding dollars follow the child, so a student can attend a public school outside their assigned district – the most popular educational choice. Qualifying families can receive a partial scholarship or voucher to attend a nonpublic school.

When parents can choose, students can excel. I will continue supporting policies that empower parents to select the most effective learning option for their child. Visit to learn how you can take control of your student’s academic future.

State Rep. Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis) represents House District 91, which includes portions of Hendricks and Marion counties.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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