$164M contract to build I-69 in Martinsville

MARTINSVILLE, Ind. – The Indiana Department of Transportation has awarded Walsh Construction Company II LLC a $164.8 million contract to transform six miles of State Road 37 into Interstate 69. Walsh’s proposal was the lowest price among four responsive bids and $7.8 million below estimate.

This is the second major contract award for I-69 Finish Line, representing a state and federal construction investment in Martinsville totaling more than $186 million to date.

S.R. 37 will be completely closed in Martinsville in 2021 to safely advance construction between SR 39/Morton Avenue and Morgan Street. Work will begin this year to prepare alternate routes for additional traffic including the detour route, which will follow S.R. 39, S.R. 67 and S.R. 144.

When this construction contract is substantially completed in late 2021, Martinsville traffic will only be able to enter or exit at four interchanges: S.R. 39, Ohio Street/Mahalasville Road, S.R. 252/Hospital Drive and S.R. 44/Reuben Drive. Roundabouts will control traffic where:

  • S.R. 39, Rogers Road and an extension of Southview Drive meet the I-69 entrance and exit ramps.
  • S.R. 252/Hospital Drive meets the I-69 ramps and Cramertown Loop.

A map of I-69 Finish Line construction contracts 1 and 2 is at: https://i69finishline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Contracts-1-and-2.pdf

Concrete retaining wall and noise barrier panels in Martinsville will include brick patterns. About 1.4 linear miles of noise barrier, ranging in height from 6 to 22 feet, will be installed along the northwest side of I-69 between S.R. 39 and South Street.

Near term lane closures
S.R. 37 may temporarily be reduced to one lane in either direction when crews are installing overhang forms and reinforcing steel on the Grand Valley Boulevard bridge over the highway. This is for the safety of motorists and the bridge crews in preparation to pour new concrete decking and railings.

Traffic should stay alert and avoid distractions in the work zone, which has a 45 mph speed limit.

Clearing the way
Motorists may see increased activity this winter and spring north of Martinsville in Morgan County. Contractors will be clearing the land to make room for utilities to move service lines. Drivers should continue to stay alert and slow down for crews working along S.R. 37 and for flaggers on local roads near the highway.

Martinsville business access
S.R. 37 traffic accessing the Martinsville Walmart and nearby Grand Valley Shoppes should exit at S.R. 252 or Mahalasville Road. From the north, an improved Cramertown Loop connects the businesses with S.R. 252 just east of S.R. 37. From the south, a new road (Artesian Avenue)

About I-69 Finish Line
I-69 Finish Line is the sixth and final section of the Interstate 69 connection between Evansville and Indianapolis. The project will upgrade the existing S.R. 37 to interstate standards between Martinsville and Indianapolis.

Governor Eric Holcomb’s Next Level Connections program fully funded the $1.5 billion project and accelerated construction by three years. I-69 Finish Line is expected to open to traffic in late 2024, improving safety and reducing travel time.

To learn more about I-69 Finish Line, follow the project on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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