Rokita Is Reforming the Veterans Administration

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Rokita released the following statement after sending Veterans Administration (VA) Reforms to President Trump to sign.

“The VA is an important institution that helps our veterans, but we can’t let it lose sight of this mission. We need to keep our promises to our veterans. By getting this bill to President Trump’s desk, we are making sure the Secretary of the VA, David Shulkin, has the ability to remove bureaucrats who aren’t doing their jobs, who aren’t helping the men and women who sacrificed everything for our country. This legislation will also protect individuals who bring these concerns forward while ensuring employees still have their rights to due process protected. ”

What does this bill do?

  • Streamlines the process for removing, demoting, or suspending employees who fail to do their jobs
  • Gives the Secretary of the VA the ability to appoint permanent medical directors to VA hospitals
  • Expands protection for Whistleblowers
  • Prevents the VA from removing individuals with open complaints

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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