Operation Highway Heat Results in 109 Arrests on 177 Drug Related Charges

Miami/Fulton/Howard Counties – Recently, eight departments in north central Indiana teamed up for three days to help stem the flow of illegal narcotics into Hoosier communities.

Officers from the Indiana State Police, the Miami County Sheriff’s Department, the Peru Police Department, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department, the Cass County Sheriff’s Department, the Wabash County Sheriff’s Department, the Jonesboro Police Department and the Grant County J.E.A.N Team utilized marked and unmarked police cars to conduct saturation patrols on U.S. 31 in Miami, Howard, and Fulton Counties. Patrol officers were augmented by K-9 officers utilizing narcotic detecting police dogs.

Officers dubbed the unannounced three day patrols “Operation Highway Heat.” The goal was to enforce traffic laws and catch individuals who utilize Indiana roadways to transport and distribute illegal narcotics. U.S. 31 was chosen because a large volume of motorists utilize the road to travel through the heart of northern Indiana. Officers wanted to serve notice that as the summer temperatures increase, so will their vigilance in keeping illegal narcotics from reaching Hoosier communities. 

June 25 through June 27, officers teamed up to make 109 criminal arrests on 177 different drug related charges. Seventeen of the charges were classified as felonies. Officers also issued 92 traffic citations and 374 written warnings. There was also two driving while impaired arrests. During the three days, officers allegedly located cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms, edible marijuana food, marijuana candy, MDMA, THC oil, and prescription medications. They also located drug paraphernalia. All of the contraband was found during traffic stops made by the various police departments.

“This is the ninth straight year we have organized a summer driving season kickoff patrol,” stated Indiana State Police Sergeant Dan Prus, who organized and oversaw the patrols. “Unfortunately we still have people transporting illegal narcotics through Indiana. Hopefully, these patrols serve as a warning that police officers will utilize all of the resources at their disposal to catch and arrest those who transport, distribute, or use illegal drugs. Remember, just because you are traveling to a state that has legalized a specific narcotic, that does not mean it is legal to transport nor possess in Indiana.”

Citizens are encouraged to call their local law enforcement agencies with any information about the possession, distribution, or selling of illegal narcotics. Information can also be reported anonymously by calling the Indiana State Police Drug and Gang Hotline at 1-800-453-4756.

All criminal defendants are to be presumed innocent until, and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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