NWHSC announces new Cubs Preschool for the 2017-2018 school year

The North West Hendricks School Corporation is now accepting applications for a new Community Preschool that will begin with the 2017-2018 school year. The program is open to all children that turn 4 by August 1st, 2017 and reside in the North West Hendricks School Corporation (NWHSC) district.  The program is now open to children that live outside the districthowever district residents will be given priority. 

Early childhood education is an important part of a student’s success in primary school, said Jenny Hollingsworth, principal for the Pittsboro Primary School where the program will be housed. This program will showcase some of the best resources out there that will give preschoolers a huge advantage when they come back as Kindergarteners the following year. We will have a healthy blend of education, cooperative play and developmentally appropriate activities. 

The program will run the same dates as the NWHSC school calendar, including teacher work days, and will be open Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM with preschool instruction from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PMTwo snacks a day will be included and the day will incorporate an hour of rest time. 


Fees will be $500.00 a month during the year, and the program is capped at the first 20 students. Registrations are being accepted through May 1st. Applications and Parent Packets are available on the Cubs Preschool website at http://www.hendricks.k12.in.us/CubsPreschool/index.cfm. For further questions and more information, call Pittsboro Primary School at 317-994-2100. 

About Shane Ray

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