Indiana State Police Offer Tips to Avoid Becoming Victim to a Credit Card Skimmer

Indianapolis, IN – The Indiana State Police has fallen victim to the recent criminal trend of credit card skimming. It was recently discovered some Indiana State Police fuel cards were compromised and one particular card was used for over $1,000 in fraudulant charges. All the affected cards were used at one particular Central Indiana gas station. Investigators are now working to determine how the credit card information was obtained, but they believe it was likely through a skimming device installed on a gas pump. This is an ongoing investigation and few details are available at this time. We are asking area gas stations to regularly check their gas pumps and report any suspicious activity to police.

The Indiana State Police would like to offer the following tips to decrease the chances of falling victim to credit card skimming at gas stations.

  • Use the pump closest to the building or in clear view of the cashier. When placing skimming devices criminals try not to be seen and will often use pumps where employees have obstructed views
  • Look for wires hanging out of access panels, and damaged or broken locks on the gas pump.
  • Look at other gas pumps to be sure the credit card readers all look the same and use your fingers to physically pull on it.
  • Look for tamper-resistant seals on access panels
  • Avoid entering your PIN number at a gas pump, or if you must, be sure to shield it with your other hand.
  • If anything looks suspicious about the pump, report it to an employee and go to another location.
  • Diligently check your credit card statement each month for fraudulent charges. Criminals often use stolen credit card numbers to make small purchases ensuring it will work before racking up large amounts of money.

If you believe your card has been compromised contact your credit card company immediately and report the crime to police. Remain vigilant whenever using your credit or debit card and if ever in doubt, don’t use it.

About Shane Ray

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