INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of
Education today released the 2018 state graduation rate. In 2018, Indiana’s
waiver graduation rate was 88.1 percent, and the non-waiver rate was 80.78
percent. In 2017, the waiver graduation rate was 87.19 percent with a
non-waiver graduation rate of 80.10 percent.
“With the increase to Indiana’s graduation rate, it is evident our schools are
committed to the academic success of our students,” said Dr. Jennifer
McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction. “While there is still
work to be done, we will continue to partner with local districts to ensure
every student graduates prepared for life beyond high school.”
Due to differences between federal and state accountability equations and
standards, IDOE also released 2018 federal graduation rates. In 2018, Indiana’s
federal graduation rate was 87.23 percent, and the federal non-waiver rate was
79.97 percent. With the previous exclusion of the general diploma due to the
Every Student Success Act, Indiana’s 2018 federal graduation rate is not
comparable to prior years.
To view a spreadsheet with statewide, corporation, and school level data,
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