Hendricks County Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan Now Available

Hendricks County Health PartnershipHENDRICKS COUNTY – The Hendricks County Health Partnership has released the 2016 Hendricks County Community Health Assessment and the 2016 Hendricks County Community Health Improvement Plan on their website, www.hendrickshealthpartnership.org.

Data and information for these documents were collected from a variety of sources. In fact, nearly 900 residents and over 50 community partners provided feedback on the health status of Hendricks County through surveys, focus groups, and town hall meetings.

The community health assessment describes the health status of Hendricks County and highlights the health needs of county residents. The assessment includes data and information on a variety of topics, such as health behaviors, environmental health, and access to health care. It also provides health information on various populations, such as infants, minority populations, and service members and veterans.

This data was used by partners to identify five health improvement priority areas for the county: accessing and utilizing health care; mental wellness; substance abuse; physical activity and nutrition; and tobacco use. Improvement strategies were developed around each area, which form the basis of the community health improvement plan.

Both documents will be used by the Partnership for planning activities and tracking the county’s health status through December 2018. The documents will be updated with new data and information as it becomes available. A new community health assessment and improvement plan will be launched in 2019.

One of the Partnership’s goals over the next three years is to expand and maintain health data and information about Hendricks County while making it accessible to their partners and other community members as they develop meaningful strategies for improving health. The launch of the community health assessment and improvement plan is the first step in achieving that goal.

The mission of the Partnership is to serve as a voice for health improvement in Hendricks County. Partners include representatives from the local health department, county hospitals, health care and wellness providers, mental health and social service agencies, businesses, local government and parks, and elected officials. The next Partnership meeting will be April 25 and is open to the public. Information about this meeting will be available online at www.hendrickshealthpartnership.org.

For more information about the Partnership’s community health improvement efforts or how to become a partner, email HendricksHealthPartnership@gmail.com or call (317) 745-9372.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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