Governor and First Lady Wish Hoosiers a Happy Thanksgiving

Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence and First Lady Karen Pence today issued the following statement.


“This Thanksgiving, Hoosiers from all across Indiana will gather with family and friends and celebrate the shared blessings that give each of us reason to pause from daily life and offer our heartfelt appreciation for all that God has bestowed upon us.


“As we give thanks, let us be mindful of the men and women in our Armed Forces who will spend Thanksgiving away from hearth and home to defend the posts of liberty abroad. Let us also give thanks for our first responders, whose dinner must wait as they work to ensure that our communities are safe.


“In this season of tradition and gratitude, let us also remember those among us who struggle with heavy hearts during the holiday season. Hoosier Hospitality is often demonstrated with a helping hand, a warm meal or words of encouragement; small gestures that go a long way in heartening a burdened neighbor.


“To us, Thanksgiving marks the true start of the holiday season; a time to reflect and rejoice upon the grace within each of our lives.


“So, from our home to yours, we’d like to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.”

About Shane Ray

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