North Manchester – Monday at approximately 12:45 p.m., a death investigation by Indiana State Police Detective Josh Maller and North Manchester Police Detective Sergeant Jon Pace has resulted in the arrest of Mikayla Munn, 21, Elkhart, IN. Munn was served a Wabash Circuit Court arrest warrant alleging criminal charges for murder and neglect of a dependent causing death. She was arrested at her Elkhart home and transported to the Wabash County Jail.

On March 8, 2016, at approximately 11:28 p.m., the North Manchester Dispatch Center received a 911 call, from Munn. When first responders arrived at Munn’s Manchester University dorm room, they found Munn had given birth. Munn and an infant boy were in a bath tub. The infant was not breathing. Both were transported by ambulance to a local hospital. The infant boy was pronounced dead. Munn was treated for the after effects of child birth and released.
Due to inconsistent information, as it related to the evidence, detectives from the North Manchester Police Department and the Indiana State Police started an investigation into the death of the infant boy. During the investigation, detectives developed enough probable cause for an arrest warrant to be issued for Munn. The warrant alleged criminal charges for murder of the infant boy and neglect of a dependent (the infant boy) resulting in death.
The Wabash County Prosecutor’s Office and safety officers from Manchester University assisted in the investigation