Eagle Watch at Salamonie, Feb. 13 and 14

This Valentine’s Day take your sweetheart on a trip that won’t be forgotten — to the largest documented winter eagle roost in Indiana. Eagle watches will be offered Feb. 13 and 14 through DNR’s Upper Wabash Interpretive Services. Participants will meet at Salamonie Interpretive Center at 3 p.m. on both days, listen to a brief overview of Indiana’s bald eagles and then caravan to the roost. Participants should dress for the weather and bring binoculars, cameras and spotting scopes if they have them. The event includes some walking on paved roads. Those who need the available handicapped parking should request it upon registration. Port-a-pots will be available. Participants can leave the roosting site whenever they please. For more information and to register call (260) 468-2127.

About Shane Ray

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