Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly released the following statement after meeting this afternoon with Robert McDonough, President, UTC Climate Controls & Security to discuss the company’s decision to move 2,100 jobs to Mexico from Carrier in Indianapolis and UTEC in Huntington. The meeting was held at Donnelly’s Washington office and came after the Senator requested to sit down with United Technologies.
“During our meeting, I asked United Technologies executive Robert McDonough if the company would reconsider its decision to move Hoosier jobs to Mexico. He said he does not see a path forward—a response that I found both disappointing and frustrating. He also laid out the reasons the profitable company is shipping jobs from Indianapolis and Huntington to Mexico. The primary reason was the company’s desire to reduce costs by taking advantage of $3 per hour labor in Mexico.
“What companies like United Technologies, Carrier, and UTEC fail to account for is the unique capability of American workers to make high quality products day in and day out, year after year. For decades, workers and their families have worked hard and been loyal to Carrier and UTEC, helping to build them into highly profitable and successful companies.
“I will continue standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the hardworking Hoosiers and their families who are being impacted.”