Plainfield Metro Diner Holds Event to Benefit Trooper Bartram Memorial Foundation Christmas for Kids

This year’s Trooper Bartram Christmas for Kids shopping event will be in honor of Southport Police Lt. Aaron Allan.  Lt. Alan was a dedicated volunteer for the program and attended all of the Trooper Bartram Christmas for Kids programs.  Lt Allan was killed in the line of duty on July 27, 2017.

The Trooper Bartram Memorial Foundation,, in partnerships with the new Metro Diner, 302 North Dan Jones Road, Plainfield, IN 46168 (Dan Jones Road just north of US 40 in front of Meijer) invites the community to make a reservation for a complimentary meal at the diner on August 20, 2017.

Complementary meal reservations are available to celebrate the opening of the new diner by calling 317-214-8715 to make a reservation for up to four people for breakfast, lunch or dinner between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  View the Metro Diner menu at   All meals are complimentary during the listed times, only on August 20, 2017.  In lieu of the meal price, diners are encouraged to make a donation to the Trooper Bartram Memorial Foundation.  100% of donated money will go towards funding the 2017 Trooper Bartram Christmas for Kids.

If you are unable to attend, donations are accepted anytime at

Please remember, this is a new diner, so be patient with staff and employees as they will also be learning their new duties.

The Trooper Bartram Christmas for Kids goal for 2017 is to take 200-250 kids Christmas shopping on Saturday December, 16th.  You can help the foundation meet this goal in memory of Trooper Pat Bartram and Southport Lt. Aaron Allan.

The Metro Diner can seat between 700-800 people and with your participation, they hope to fill EVERY seat!

Visit and share our face book page at

About the Bartram Memorial Foundation

The Trooper Bartram Memorial Foundation is a not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 organization that has been established to assist people in need and fund the annual Bartram Christmas for Kids event. Needy individuals and families in our community go without proper food, shelter, and the essential medical care every day due to a variety of factors including low wages, job loss, injuries, illness, age, domestic violence, and/or divorce. Money raised during our annual fundraiser goes toward our Trooper Bartram Christmas for Kids (Shop with a Cop), Trooper Teddy Bears, and the Traumatic Loss/In Need Assistance program.

About Shane Ray

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