Donnelly, Perdue Add Support to Bipartisan Legislation to Help Habitat for Humanity, Ease Unnecessary Regulation

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and David Perdue (R-GA) announced their support for bipartisan legislation to ensure that Habitat for Humanity affiliates can continue to receive donated appraisals on Habitat-built homes. The legislation, S. 2085, was introduced by Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) and co-sponsored by Senator Michael Bennett (D-CO).

Senator Joe Donnelly
Senator Joe Donnelly

Donnelly said, “In communities across Indiana, Habitat for Humanity is changing lives and giving families a place to call home. This bill makes a technical fix that would help the dozens of Habitat affiliates across our state who provide homeownership opportunities to Hoosier families in need.”

Perdue said, “In my home state, Habitat for Humanity of Georgia has graciously provided homes for thousands of people and these efforts would not be possible without donated appraisals. I am glad we were able to come together in a bipartisan effort to reverse this onerous provision so Habitat for Humanity and other charitable groups can continue providing for Americans in need.”

Gina Leckron, State Director of Habitat for Humanity of Indiana said, “We want to thank Senators Donnelly and Perdue for supporting S. 2085 and our effort. The collective financial impact of this bill is profound and will save Habitat millions of dollars. In Indiana, the savings would allow us to build at least 2 additional homes per year. We are so grateful to have an elected official that listens to our concerns and helps create solutions, so that we can continue our life-changing ministry of providing affordable homes to low income families. We are also grateful to the many appraisal firms who support us and can continue to do so, if this important piece of legislation is adopted. While this bill carves out a small solution it has tremendous impact to communities and to Habitat’s ministry.”

Many Habitat for Humanity affiliates accept donated appraisals when they build homes. S. 2085 makes a technical clarification to the Dodd-Frank Act to ensure those donated appraisals can continue, allowing Habitat affiliates in Indiana, Georgia, and across the country to focus on their mission of building homes for families in need, instead of worrying about unintentional and unnecessary regulations.


About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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