500 Festival, INSHAPE Partner to Launch Mini-Moves, a Program Designed to Create a Culture of Movement & Fitness for All Indiana Youth

INDIANAPOLIS   The 500 Festival, a nonprofit organization providing life-enriching events and programs that celebrate the spirit and legacy of the Indianapolis 500®, has joined forces with INSHAPE (Indiana Society for Health and Physical Educators), to launch Mini-Moves, a free program for Indiana teachers at any grade level, designed to inspire physical movement and instill lifelong healthy habits in Hoosier youth. Mini-Moves was launched at the INSHAPE State Conference at Grand Park to an audience of 600+ Indiana physical education teachers. Indiana teachers can learn more and register for the Mini-Moves program at IndyMini.com/MiniMoves.

Both organizations are committed to leveraging the value of Indiana being the home of the Indy 500 and the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon to further a culture of movement, running and walking for K-12 students throughout Indiana. The benefits of physical activity among youth are linked to better physical, mental, and social health as well as better learning outcomes. Physical movement powers a culture of learning, health and happiness in Indiana schools and communities.

“We are proud to continue investing in the future of Indiana’s youth. Mini-Moves is more than classroom activities and lesson ideas, it’s the foundation of a fundamental change for our state, led by Hoosier kids and educators,” said Bob Bryant, president and CEO, 500 Festival. “Through our partnership with INSHAPE, we will equip physical education teachers across Indiana to take action and ignite a love of movement. Whether providing teachers with age appropriate activities and lessons for their classes, access to exciting events in May to inspire students, or offering tools to help raise funds in support of their school, we’re committed to getting our kids moving! In an era of screen time and spectator sports, it is imperative that we provide opportunities to participate in fitness activities without barriers to entry and in a fun and sustainable format.”

Mini-Moves is a free, year-round program to inspire physical activity among Indiana’s youth, instilling lifelong healthy habits. Mini-Moves is available to all Indiana educators from Kindergarten through high school. Created by Indiana teachers, for Indiana teachers, Mini-Moves offers Hoosier educators with a full menu of opportunities that can be implemented in order to inspire physical activity, including:

  • Customizable Resources: Flexible health and fitness resources that teachers can customize for students of any age – from elementary to high school.
  • Turbocharged Experiences: Bring the excitement of the month of May to your school! In-school activities and events that can extend to additional participation opportunities for your class to be part of 500 Festival events.
  • Fundraising: In-school activities provide the opportunity for schools to raise funds specifically to advance health and physical education. All funds raised will stay in Indiana to support the advancement of health and well-being among all Indiana students. The fundraising option will be launched in Fall 2019.     

“Active kids learn better. When students get time for health and physical education, they do better physically, mentally and emotionally. Mini-Moves has been created for teachers, by teachers! We are proud to partner with the 500 Festival to offer Mini-Moves to the very teachers who are on the front lines, helping our youth create a love of movement for a lifetime of healthful living,” said Gary Lemke, executive director, INSHAPE. “By offering an optional fundraising component, we’re offering communities around the state the opportunity to give where they live. They’ll be able to support their local school’s physical education department as well as invest in the critical components for advancement of physical activity around Indiana, including grant opportunities, scholarships, resources and more.”

Mini-Moves is produced by the 500 Festival, an Indiana nonprofit responsible for one of the nation’s largest half marathons – the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, in partnership with INSHAPE, a professional association for educators engaged in the promotion of quality health, physical education, recreation and sport in all Indiana schools. Mini-Moves is the first program of its kind for Indiana, meaning that the program has been created by Hoosier educators. In addition, it will enable physical education programs to fundraise and know that 100% of all funds raised will stay right here in Indiana. This is an opportunity for Hoosiers to invest in our youth and future, making the state healthy and happy.

To learn more about Mini-Moves, please visit IndyMini.com/MiniMoves or search #minimovesIN on social media.

About the 500 Festival

Founded in 1957, the 500 Festival is a not-for-profit organization that produces life-enriching events and programs that celebrate the spirit and legacy of the Indianapolis 500® and foster positive impact on the city of Indianapolis and state of Indiana. One of the largest festivals in the nation, each year more than half a million people attend an event or program produced by the 500 Festival. Since its founding, the 500 Festival has contributed more than $400 million in economic value to Indianapolis. To learn more about the 500 Festival, please visit www.500festival.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


INSHAPE (Indiana Society for Health and Physical Educators) is a professional education association for teachers, administrators, researchers, coaches, college students and other professionals who are engaged in and dedicated to the promotion of quality health, physical education, recreation, dance, sport in public and private schools, colleges and universities, and community agencies throughout Indiana. INSHAPE is committed to ensuring all Indiana children benefit from healthy, physically active lives and provides leadership, professional development, resources, recognition, and advocacy that support educators at every level. The mission of INSHAPE is to advance professional practice and promote health and physical education, physical activity, fitness, dance, and sport. The Association is affiliated with SHAPE America.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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