Voting security strong in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (October 24, 2018) – Secretary of State Connie Lawson takes great care to prepare for each election. In preparation for the upcoming election, Secretary Lawson has proactively worked to implement new security measures and resources to protect Hoosiers’ votes.

Voters should know that no piece of Indiana’s voting equipment is online. The machines and tabulators are not connected to the internet.

Some of the tools and precautions being taken in Indiana to ensure secure elections include:

  • Testing voting equipment prior to use

All voting equipment in Indiana is tested by the Voting System Technical Oversight Program, hosted by Ball State University, for an added layer of safety and security. In addition, each county conducts public test of voting equipment prior to the election.

  • Risk and vulnerability testing

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has conducted risk and vulnerability testing to secure Indiana’s electronic information. This includes the statewide voter registration system and the state election website.

  • Multifactor Authentication Protocol

Indiana has invested in security by requiring two-factor authentication to access electronic information.  

  • Intrusion Detection Systems

These systems monitor internet traffic accessing websites and databases.

  • Security Protocol

State law establishes physical security standards for election equipment. Many county election boards adopt customized security resolutions above and beyond what is required by state law.

  • Information Sharing

Indiana has partnered with the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center. This provides access to 24/7 security information, threat notifications and security advisories.

“I take the security of our elections process very seriously,” said Secretary Lawson. “I am working diligently to ensure that every available defense is utilized. Indiana has taken many steps to secure our elections, but let’s be clear: there will always be new recommendations, new technology, and new best practices where cybersecurity is concerned. The way we administer elections must continue to evolve, because this is a race without a finish line. I am fully committed to ensuring that we continue to move forward, using every tool at our disposal to maintain safe and secure voting for all Hoosiers.”

Voters with questions can call the Hoosier Voter Hotline at 866-IN-1-VOTE.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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