Visit Hendricks County Offers Funding for Local Bicentennial Projects, Events

Indiana Bicentennial LogoDANVILLE, IN (February 3, 2016) –In an effort to support and entice Bicentennial Legacy Projects and events in Hendricks County, the county’s tourism agency has set aside $5,000 in 2016 to award Bicentennial Grants.

Visit Hendricks County will award up to 20 non-matching grants totaling up to $250 each for Hendricks bicentennial projects and events through the end of this year or when the funding runs out, whichever comes first. The rolling grant cycle begins in February and will close on the last day of each month with grants awarded within 15 days.

“We are excited about what this Bicentennial year could bring in terms of visitors to our state and county,” said Josh Duke, Visit Hendricks County’s Communications Manager and Hendricks County Bicentennial Coordinator. “So, we wanted to do our part to encourage local participation in this celebration.”

Any Hendricks County-based bicentennial project or event can request funding through an online nomination form. Projects and events that haven’t received endorsement from the Indiana Bicentennial Commission can still apply to get on the grant list, but funding will not be distributed until state endorsement becomes official.

Other grant stipulations include Visit Hendricks County getting proper recognition or sponsorship package for the grant amount, if applicable, and any event or project that receives a Bicentennial grant is ineligible to receive a 2016 Tourism Enhancement Development (TED) Fund grant for the same event or project and vice versa.

For more information or to apply for a 2016 Bicentennial Grant, visit

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -1 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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