Facebook followers of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources can “talk” online with historian Jeannie Regan-Dinius about Indiana’s role in the Underground Railroad on Wednesday, Feb. 17, from 2-3 p.m. EST, on the DNR’s Facebook wall.
Regan-Dinius will discuss the Underground Railroad and the Indiana Freedom Trails, a statewide initiative to document Underground Railroad sites. Participants are invited to join the conversation and ask questions.
Future topics, instructions on how to join a conversation on Facebook, and commenting guidelines are posted at dnr.IN.gov/7315.htm.
To join a chat, go to the DNR’s Facebook wall, facebook.com/INdnr, and click “like” (if you are not already a “friend”).
You may begin typing in questions during the time slot. The DNR experts will answer questions as time allows.