(Left to Right) Jeffery Thompson (R-Lizton), Greg Steuerwald (R-Avon), Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis)

Local leaders urge Hendricks County residents to fill out the 2020 Census online

STATEHOUSE (May 14, 2020) — Local leaders encourage all Hendricks County residents to respond to the 2020 Census, which is a count of the nation’s population.  

Everyone is required to fill out the census every 10 years by law and the information is kept confidential. State Rep. Jeff Thompson (R-Lizton) said the census can be filled out online at 2020Census.gov, over the phone at 844-330-2020, or by mailing back the questionnaire sent to households.

“There are multiple ways to quickly complete the census,” Thompson said. “Given how important this information is in determining how tax dollars are allocated, it’s essential every Hoosier finish this survey.”  

According to State Rep. Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis), census data is used to distribute billions of dollars in federal funding to communities to support education, housing, health and public safety, and impacts strategic planning decisions about statewide job training, locations of new businesses and public transportation projects.

“Most federal funding for local schools is determined by the U.S. Census,” said Behning, chair of the House Education Committee. “Our communities rely on these critical dollars to implement programs to drive student learning and success. To gain access to these funds, the census needs to be submitted by every household.”

State Rep. Greg Steuerwald (R-Avon) said due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to respond to the census now in order to minimize the need for the Census Bureau to send census takers out into communities to follow up.

“Full participation is the goal,” Steuerwald said. “It would be very helpful if everyone would take a few minutes and either return the mailed portion, respond by phone or go online to fill out the simple electronic form.”  

Self-responses are due by Oct. 31, 2020. Visit 2020Census.gov to learn more. Personal information cannot be used against respondents by any government agency or court.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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