Lilly Endowment awards Indiana FFA Foundation Nearly $400K to plan for Learn—Lead—Succeed program

TRAFALGAR, Ind. (July 20, 2016)Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded $399,213 to the Indiana FFA Foundation to launch a Learn-Lead-Succeed project that will utilize a three-year plan to provide experiential education, environmental education, and collaborative engagement to middle and high school age youth who are from underserved communities and nearby school corporations.

Indiana FFA members participating in the Leadership Center Challenge Cou...1
Indiana FFA members participating in the Leadership Center Challenge Course

Through this grant, the Indiana FFA Leadership Center seeks to improve leadership and employable skills in the youth of Central Indiana. The Indiana FFA Foundation will serve a projected 4,000 youth who are less exposed to natural environments, and strong leadership qualities in Johnson, Marion and surrounding counties.

The development of the Leadership Center Challenge Course, including the natural outdoor learning environment, are staged to partner with Lilly Endowment to “help the people of their city, and state, build a better life”.

Indiana FFA members participating in the Leadership Center Challenge Course
Indiana FFA members participating in the Leadership Center Challenge Course

“Indiana FFA has a strong history of creating leaders and impacting communities,” said Lisa Chaudion, executive director, Indiana FFA Foundation. “With the funding from Lilly Endowment, we will be able to launch the Learn-Lead-Succeed project and provide experiential learning programs that will equip Indiana youth, both FFA and non-FFA, with the skills to continue their education and seek meaningful careers.”

The Indiana FFA Foundation was established in 1961 to support the programs of the Indiana FFA Association. The mission of the FFA is to make a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

Any high school student who is enrolled in an agriculture education course can be an FFA member. Indiana FFA currently has nearly 12,000 members.  In addition, the Indiana FFA Leadership Center provides educational opportunities to thousands of non-FFA youth through field trips, camps and other activities.


About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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