Indianapolis Mayoral Candidates Joe Hogsett and Chuck Brewer Discuss Issues Oct. 13, at Community Forum Hosted by West Side Chamber of Commerce

INDIANAPOLIS Sept. 18, 2015– The two candidates for Indianapolis Mayor, Joe Hogsett (D) and Chuck Brewer (R), will present their visions for the West Side and the City during the 2015 Candidates’ Forum presented by the West Side Chamber of Commerce. The Forum, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7 p.m., is at the MSD of Wayne Township Chapel Hill 7th and 8th Grade Center, 7320 W. 10th St.

Citizens will be able to talk one-on-one with candidates beginning at 6 p.m. Citizens should enter through doors 13 and 14 on the north side of the Center.

“Our West Side has many opportunities and we need to know the positions our city leaders have for our neighborhoods,” said West Side Chamber of Commerce President Rick Proctor. Proctor is also vice president of the BMO Bank branch at 10th St. and I-465. He said the Chamber focusses on issues affecting Decatur, Wayne and Pike Townships.

Forum to be Conversation, not a Debate

The forum will be a civil conversation individually with each candidate moderated by WXIN Fox59 political reporter Dan Spehler. “We see this forum as a quiet but insightful conversation with Dan and the candidate, just as you might have across your kitchen table,” said forum producer, David L. Shank. Shank said written questions will be taken from the audience. At the end of the conversations, each candidate has the opportunity to state their position at the podium, Shank said.

Forum Goes Global With Web Streaming

“No matter where a constituent lives they can participate through our live Internet web streaming of the Chamber Candidate Forum” said Shank. He is also president of west side-headquartered Shank Public Relations Counselors, Inc. The web streaming Internet address is

Other social media access points are:

Twitter: #wschamberforum
LinkedIn: West Side Chamber of Commerce – Indianapolis

The Forum also will be videotaped for replay on the Indianapolis Government Television Channel 16.

City-County Council Candidates Meet Citizens Before Forum

Eight west side-oriented City-County Councillor candidates have been invited to meet voters at information tables before the Mayor forum.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for west side citizens to raise significant questions, ask the candidates pointed questions and explore issues critical to the dynamic west side,” Shank said. “The Chamber has presented Candidate Forums for each election cycle since 2010. It’s a true public service as we work to keep our west side community informed about issues that affect everyday lives.”

The Wayne Township Schools’ 7th and 8th Grade Center was selected “because it is a mid-point for the three townships – Pike, Wayne and Decatur – the Chamber serves,” Shank explained.


About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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