Indiana Judges Association website now online

JANUARY 2016 – The Indiana Judges Association (IJA) is pleased to announce the launch of the IJA website at

The website includes information for judicial officers and the public, as well as recognition of judges who have been honored at the state and national level for work benefitting all citizens.  The current recipients of the Champion of Justice awards bestowed upon members of the Indiana General Assembly who have worked on legislation of special interest to the judiciary are also recognized.

In addition, information regarding the Indiana Criminal and Civil Jury Instructions can be obtained on the website. Members of the IJA who serve on the civil and criminal jury instruction committees prepare the jury instructions and commentary for their use in jury trials.

According to IJA President Mary Willis, Judge of the Henry Circuit Court 1, “This website is a great resource for members of the public— especially those who are interested in viewing the Indiana Jury Instructions.   It is also a simple way for lawyers and those going to court to obtain the Unannotated Jury Instructions.  Legal practitioners can also get information on obtaining Criminal and Civil Jury Instructions from their preferred provider of legal research materials.”

The IJA is a voluntary association comprised of state employed members of the judiciary.  The Association is active in legislation of interest to the judiciary as well as fostering a collaborative working relationship with the other branches of government and preserving the rule of law.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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