Hoosier Highways Get Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning season is here and that means more than 90 percent of INDOT’s maintenance staff and over 100 volunteers will be out in force to pick-up litter along Indiana state roads, US highways and interstates this Friday, April 13.

In the past, INDOT maintenance staff have worked with the Indiana Department of Corrections crews and together the joint crew has picked up 22,123 bags of trash in the past five years, with 7,346 being picked up in 2017 alone. INDOT spends an average of $5.8 million to accomplish litter pick-up every year on the state’s 11,000 center lane miles of roadway.

“Keeping Indiana highways free from litter is no easy feat,” said INDOT Greenfield District Deputy Commissioner Todd May. “But we take pride in our roads and maintaining outstanding roadsides for motorists. We could not do it without our staff, volunteers and motorists doing their part to keep our roads clean.”

INDOT asks that all drivers be aware of the work zones that will be in place along the many heavily travelled routes and to move over and slow down to ensure the safety of the individuals operating along the roadway.

Litter Prevention Programs

In addition to maintenance activities, INDOT utilizes multiple distinct programs to minimize litter along the roadways. These programs include:

  • Adopt-A-Highway: A traditional program that coordinates with community groups that provide trash and litter pickup on two-mile segments of non-interstate Hoosier highways. INDOT will place a sign on the portion of highway these groups adopt
  • Sponsor-A-Highway: Though similar to the Adopt-a-Highway program, it’s specifically for trash and litter pickup on one-mile segments of Hoosier interstates (and some high-speed highways not covered under Adopt-a-Highway). Rather than by community groups, the trash is picked up by a vendor hired by the groups
  • Hoosier Gateways: INDOT staff facilitates individuals or groups interested in beautifying entrances to communities, cloverleaf or other interchanges, medians, roundabouts, or small segments of roadway by connecting them with proper community officials

Additional information on these programs can be found at: http://www.in.gov/indot/2598.htm.

Preventing Litter on Hoosier Roadways

INDOT encourages Hoosiers to prevent litter on Indiana highways and aid clean-up efforts. Here’s how:

  • Don’t litter: Set a good example for everyone, especially children.
  • Be responsible: Carry a litter bag in your car instead of tossing trash out the window.
  • Put a lid on it: Make sure trash can lids are securely fastened. If you have curbside trash collection, don’t put lose trash in boxes or untied bags.
  • Check on it: If you own a business, check dumpsters daily to ensure doors are closed.
  • Report it: Report areas where people have illegally dumped garbage to INDOT’s Customer Service line at 1 (855) INDOT4U (463-6848)
  • Adopt it: If you or your family is involved in an extracurricular group, encourage the group to adopt a highway. More details here: http://www.in.gov/indot/2598.htm

Stay informed

Follow @INDOTEast on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

Subscribe to receive text and email alerts about INDOT projects and services at alerts.indot.in.gov.

Learn about highway work zones and other traffic alerts at indot.carsprogram.org, 1-800-261-ROAD (7623) or 511 from a mobile phone.

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and WYRZ.org. Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at brian@wyrz.org.

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