BROWNSBURG – Street Department laborer John Burke has been named the Town of Brownsburg’s Employee of the Year. Burke was honored by the community and his co-workers at an awards luncheon today hosted annually by the Brownsburg Rotary Club.
Employee of the year candidates are nominated by their peers. Burke’s nomination said that he is dependable, honest and trustworthy. He is always looking for efficiencies and he’s not afraid to make suggestions for improvement. An 8-year employee, Burke takes great pride in his work and routinely steps up to mentor new employees.
Brownsburg Town Manager Grant Kleinhenz said, “John is a valuable employee, who really takes initiative and solves problems. His co-workers know that they can count on him for assistance or guidance when they need it. We appreciate Brownsburg Rotary for providing the forum to recognize outstanding Town employees like John.”
Fleet Maintenance Department foreman Aaron Starr was also recognized at the luncheon for his 15 years of employment with the Town.