Apply for Community Hunting Access Program grants

Apply for Community Hunting Access Program grants

Communities can apply now for funding and technical assistance through the DNR to help manage white-tailed deer through hunting.

The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife launched Community Hunting Access Program (CHAP) earlier this year. The goal is to reduce conflicts with white-tailed deer in urban environments by increasing hunting access. The program can provide financial and technical assistance to community partners.

Each community partner will determine where and when managed hunts occur and what hunters are able to participate.

An online form to apply for assistance, and more information on CHAP, is at

Applications are due March 31.

Communities interested in the program should contact their DNR urban or district wildlife biologist immediately so that they can be considered even if they miss the application deadline. The biologist can also answer any additional questions.

A map with urban and district wildlife biologist contact information is at

Each managed hunt will be administered by a CHAP coordinator. These coordinators will be contractors of DNR Fish & Wildlife and will be trained in hunting safety, deer biology and public relations.

For communities considering deer management options, an Urban Deer Technical Guide is at

About Shane Ray

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