Motorists encouraged to share the road with farmers this planting season

With temperatures on the rise, more farmers will be out in their fields, which means slow-moving farm equipment will soon be on Indiana roadways. To keep motorists and farmers safe this planting season, several state agencies have partnered together to encourage Hoosiers to be alert, slow down and share the road with farm equipment.

According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, farm equipment vehicles (other than trucks) were involved in 92 fatal crashes across the nation, with six of those occurring in Indiana.

By law, farm equipment must have the nationally designated slow-moving vehicle sign – a red triangle-shaped reflector – to warn drivers that their equipment is on the road. These vehicles often travel at speeds no higher than 25 mph.

The following list includes several safety tips for motorists approaching large farm equipment:

  • Most farmers will pull over when they are able to let you pass, but it may take time for them to get to a safe place to do so. Be patient.
  • Farm equipment is wide, sometimes taking up most of the roadway. Be careful when passing.
  • Do not pass if you are in a designated “No Passing Zone” or within 100 feet of any intersection, railroad grade crossing, bridge, elevation structure, or tunnel.
  • Do not try to pass a slow-moving vehicle on the left without ensuring that the vehicle is not planning a left turn. It may appear that the driver is pulling over for you to pass when it is actually preparing to turn. You will drive right into its path, endangering yourself and the farmer.
  • Avoid tailgating, as some farm equipment might have to make sudden stops along the road.
  • Allow plenty of time to get to your destination, be aware of alternate routes and avoid distractions.
  • Pay special attention to stationary farm equipment on the side of the road, as there might be farmers working nearby.

Below are quotes from the agencies that participated in this year’s planting season driver public safety effort:

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
“As a top agricultural state, whether you live in rural, urban or suburban Indiana, a majority of motorists will come across large farm equipment on the road this planting season,” said Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch. “We want to encourage every Hoosier to be mindful, slow down and share the road, which will not only ensure their safety, but also the safety of our farmers.”


Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director, Bruce Kettler
“We want to remind Hoosiers to take extra precaution on the roadways this spring,” said Bruce Kettler, Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director. “Leaving a few minutes early will ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely and in a timely manner.”


Indiana State Police Superintendent, Doug Carter
“Roadway safety is a priority of the Indiana State Police, especially when large farm machinery will be crossing state and county roads to farm fields during the planting season,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter. “Patience, courtesy and understanding, along with the undivided attention of farmers and the traveling public will help ensure a safe 2018 growing season.”


Montgomery County Farmer, Zach Cain
“Due to the size of our equipment, people will often see us before we see them,” said Zach Cain, a Montgomery County farmer. “It’s important to be patient. Farmers don’t want to hold up traffic, but it can take us some time to find a safe spot to pull over.”


Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commissioner, Peter L. Lacy
“This planting season we encourage all Hoosiers to be attentive and vigilant as they travel through our rural communities. Extra caution can prevent accidents on Indiana roads and save Hoosier lives,” said Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commissioner, Peter L. Lacy.


Indiana Department of Homeland Security Executive Director, Bryan Langley
“IDHS and its community partners will be working hard to ensure the safety and security of all Hoosiers during the planting season,” said Indiana Department of Homeland Security Executive Director, Bryan Langley. “By staying alert and cautious, we can do our part to help our farming communities have another successful season.”


Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner, Joe McGuinness
“As planting season begins, INDOT urges motorists to slow down, avoid distractions, and be alert for slow moving farm equipment on highways that travel through Indiana’s farming communities,” said Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner, Joe McGuinness. “Remember to be patient and share the road so that Hoosier farmers, INDOT crews, construction and utility workers, emergency responders and you stay safe.”

About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -4 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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