Indiana Receives $2.7 Million in Federal Funds to Support State’s Defense Industry

Indianapolis – Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann and the Indiana Office of Defense and Development (IODD) announce that Indiana has been awarded $2.7 million in federal Defense Industry Adjustment (DIA) funds from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA). This grant will be used to better understand and develop an action plan for Indiana to assist businesses and communities who are impacted by reductions in DOD defense spending nationally, procurement accounts, as well as the uncertainty in the federal budgeting process.


“We know that the defense industry has a profound impact on Indiana’s overall economy,” said Lt. Governor Ellspermann. “Through the OEA grant, we will continue to foster a culture that supports our businesses and helps to identify defense related opportunities for continued growth and prosperity.”


Indiana will develop an Indiana Defense Community Transition Strategy, which supports defense diversification strategies at the local and regional levels. Initially, the grant will allow for an assessment to identify small and mid-sized manufacturers and companies as well as cities and towns most at risk to be affected by DOD budget reductions. The results of the analysis will assist Indiana in aligning its existing assets, as well as determining opportunities for businesses to enter new markets and develop the workforce necessary to provide the defense industry services that provide economic growth.

“IODD continues to be an advocate for Indiana’s strong defense ecosystem,” said IODD Executive Director Duane Embree. “It’s critical that we continue to help our defense companies diversify their scope and provide further assistance to ensure our workforce is equipped with the skill sets needed for the future. The OEA grant will aid in this mission as we continue to work together to enhance economic development throughout our state.”


The scope of the grant includes the development of a defense-related supply chain in Indiana, workforce development recommendations for sustained growth and identifying defense technologies to expand entrepreneurship opportunities.





About the Indiana Office of Defense Development: The Indiana Office of Defense Development (IODD) was created through an executive order by the Governor on his first day in office in 2013. With a focused effort on expanding the defense sector business in Indiana by keeping and growing high value defense and national security jobs for Hoosiers.


The IODD is part of the Lieutenant Governor’s family of businesses which also includes the Office of Community and Rural Affairs, Indiana State Department of Agriculture, Office of Tourism Development, Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.

About Shane Ray

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