Indiana Department of Education Kicks Off 2019 Summer Food Service Program

INDIANAPOLIS–The Indiana Department of Education today kicked off the 2019 Summer Food Service Program. In partnership with nearly 250 school and community sponsors, children 18 and younger across the state will have access to free meals and snacks throughout the summer break.
“Providing children access to wholesome and nutritious meals during the summer months is important to their wellbeing,” said Dr. Jennifer McCormick, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. “I want to thank our sponsors for their dedication and support.”
June marks the busiest month for the summer food program when many families seek help for additional nutrition resources. As a result, Governor Eric J. Holcomb has issued a statewide proclamation declaring the week of June 10-14 Summer Food Service Program Week.  
For more than 40 years, the Summer Food Service Program has provided eligible children and youth ages 18 and under with access to free, nutritious meals and snacks during the summer months. In 2018, Indiana sponsors served nearly 2.7 million meals across the state. Site locations and meal service times vary throughout Indiana, and locations range from parks and community centers to schools, churches, neighborhoods, and mobile feeding sites.
The Summer Food Service Program is a federal nutrition program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by the Indiana Department of Education. The program is designed to meet the needs of low-income children in areas where children may have limited access to good nutrition.

For more information about the Summer Food Service Program, including an interactive map with site locations and hours of operation, please visit: To view the 2019 proclamation from Governor Eric J. Holcomb, please visit:

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About Brian Scott

I play on the radio from 7 am -1 pm weekdays on 98.9 WYRZ and Follow me on twitter @WYRZBrianScott or e-mail me at

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